Non-Fiction Space Modeling Projects
Over the years, I have built a large number of scale & semi-scale models of US and Soviet rockets & spacecraft, both static and flying models. Some remain, like "time capsules" hearkening back to a by-gone era. Some are brand new, more recently released and recently built, but still looking backwards into the history of spaceflight.
However, some of the models of the past have gone through a sort of "restoration," or should I say renovation. Using newly available detail parts and decal sets, plus improved modeling techniques, we are taking these models to places they have not been before.
Such is the case for the 1/24 scale Revell Gemini, the 1/32 scale Monogram Apollo CSM and my Monogram "First Lunar Landing" Lunar Modules. They have been renovated to a level of detail they did not have originally. Then, there are major renovations, like the work on my 1/96 scale Revell Saturn V, which I regard as one of the biggest challenges and greatest rewards of my entire modeling career.
Then came the work on the three 1/72 scale Space Shuttle Orbiters - the Endeavour stack, the Atlantis in flight-mode and the re-work of Discovery, each of which reflecting their display condition at their respective museum sites - except for Endeavour. Her display as a stacked, vertical Space Shuttle system will not be completed until 2024 at the California Science Center, but will not include the Crawler/Transporter or Mobile Launch Platform.
There's the big static model of Shuttle Launch Complex 39A which, scratch-built except for the Revell Shuttle sitting on it. I built the pad system entirely from scratch, with nothing more than balsa wood, plastic, spare model parts and the photographs I took from the launches of STS-1 and STS-4, driven by an unbridled passion to see the thing built.
There are also flying scale and semi-scale models, like the once-proposed American Rocket Company (AMROC) commercial booster, which never saw actual commercial flight, and the Russian Proton rocket, that still takes payloads into orbit today.
There are other "flyers" which became "static birds" which where built well the first time and preserved, and other flying models who have flown and luckily survived their days aloft without major incident.
Please remember - The models shown are for display & reference only. They are not for sale. LCSP currently does noy sell built or unbilt space models. These images are provided to give you insight into what we did and how we did it, so you might get ideas on how to proceed on your own similar modeling projects.
Click on the patch "links" below to see the associated model pages.

1/24 scale Revell Bell X-1

1/72 scale Monogram North America X-15

Real Space Models 1/12 scale Sputnik 1

1/110 scale Revell Jupiter C & Launch Pad

1/6 scale Glencoe Models Explorer 1

1/24 scale Revell Vostok Spacecraft

Airfix 1/144 scale Russian R-7 Rocket
Sputnix - Vostok - Soyuz

1/110 Scale Revell Launch Complex 5 Conversion
with Freedom 7

1/110 scale Revell "All Systems Go" Launch Pad 14/Atlas

1/12 scale Atomic City Mercury Spacecraft

1/24 Scale Revell Gemini Spacecraft
and Agena Target Vehicle

1/70 scale Apogee Components
General Dynamica/Convair
Little Joe II

1/32 Scale Monogram Apollo CSM

1/48 Scale Monogram First Lunar Landing

1/48 Scale Apollo 15 - First Lunar Rover

1/48 Scale Dragon Lunar Module

Edu-Craft Full-Scale Apollo LM5 DSKY Model
& S & T Geotronics "Open DSKY" Replica

Cashulette Engineering
Apollo Saturn V & LUT desk model

1/96 Scale Apollo Launch Umbilical Tower

1/96 Scale Apollo Crawler-Transporter

1/96 Scale Revell Apollo-Saturn V Retro-fit

Custom Display Cabinet for 1/96 Revell Apollo-Saturn V,
LUT & Crawler/Transporter

1/32 scale Edu-Craft "LM-5"

1/20 scale Accurate Models Saturn F1 Engine

Vincent Meens/ 3D Printed
1/32 scale Lunar Roving Vehicle

Fantastic Plastic's 1/48 scale Soviet "LK" Lunar Lander

Fantastic Plastic's 1/48 scale Soviet "LOK" Orbital Moon Ship
Altaria Rocketry 1/122 scale Soviet N-1 Moon Rocket

Currell Graphics 1/96 scale N-1 Moon Rocket Paper Model

"Marco3D" 3D-Printed 1/100 scale Skylab Orbital Workshop Moddel

1/72 scale Dragon Apollo-Soyuz Test Project model

1/144 scale Revell NASA SCA and Enterprise model

1/144 Airfix Space Shuttle &
1/144 Edu-Craft Shuttle MLP & Crawler/Transporter
STS-1 Roll-Out

1/144 Minicraft Space Shuttle Stack - STS-4

1/72 Scale Space Shuttle Mobile Launch Platform

1/144 Shuttle Launch Complex 39


1/288 scale Revell Space Shuttle and Cashulette MLP

1/100 Tamiya Space Shuttle Orbiter

1/12 scale Revell Shuttle Astronaut
& Manned Manuvering Unit

Skilcraft 1/70 scale Hubble Space Telescope

1/72 Scale Monogram Space Shuttle Orbiter "Discovery"

1/72 Monogram Space Shuttle "Endeavour" Stack

1/72 Monogram/Revell Orbiter "Atlantis"

1/100 scale Tamiya Space Shuttle "Atlantis" Re-Release

1/144 scale Revell Germany
International Space Shuttle "Limited Edition"

ISS Commercial Resupply Vehicle models

Good Smile Company 1/150 scale
Soyuz Launcher and Transporter

1/144 Scale Revell Space Shuttle w/Boosters
STS-133 Launch Stack

1/72 Scale Edu-Craft Crawler-Transporter
w/ MLP and STS-134 Endeavour Stack

1/200 scale Mir Space Station Desk Model

1/144 scale Energia / Buran

1/96 scale AXM Orion EFT-1 Vehicle

1/96 scale AXM EFT-1 Delta IV Heavy

1/144 scale Virgin Galactic SpaceShip 2 and White Knight 2

To Non-Fiction Flying Models...