Lake County SpacePort 

                                                                                       "Ad Astra per Formae"

Wall of Heroes

This page is dedicated to the memory of those who have given their lives in the pursuit of the exploration of space for the United States of America.  

For the Astronauts who lost their lives in service, their names are part of the Astronaut Memorial at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, and other locations of honor. 

There are also those who have served our space program with honor and distinction, who have also fallen along the way.

For many other people who worked as part of the Space Program, their names are part of the Space Walk of Fame at Spaceview Park in Titusville, Florida.

To the brave men and women who put their hearts, souls and labor into Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Shuttle and the entire NASA program, we dedicate this page.

They answered the call and served their nation and all mankind.

We must remember them and keep their dream alive.




The crew of Apollo 1 - January 27, 1967.

Virgil I. Grissom - Second suborbital Mercury flight, "Liberty Bell 7" (MR-4) - Commander, First Manned Gemini Flight (GT-3) - Commander, Apollo 1 (AS-204)

Edward H. White II - First American Spacewalker, Gemini 4 - Commander Module Pilot, Apollo 1 (AS-204)

Roger B. Chaffee - Lunar Module Pilot, Apollo 1 (AS-204)





Shuttle Mission 51-L

The crew of Shuttle Mission 51-L  - Lost January 28, 1986

Micheal Smith, Richard Scobee, Dr. Ronald McNair, Elison Onazuka, S.Christa McAuliffe, Gregory Jarvis, Dr. Judith Resnik.





Shuttle Mission STS-107 

The crew of Shuttle Mission STS-107 - Lost February 1, 2003.

Rick Husband, Kalpana Chawla, William McCool, David Brown, Dr. Laurel Clark, Michael Anderson, Ilan Ramon


To all the other brave Astronauts and Space Pioneers who are no longer with us...


John "Jack" Swigert

Command Module Pilot, Apollo 13

December 27, 1982


Donn Eisle

Command Module Pilot, Apollo 7

December 2, 1987


Ronald E. Evans, Jr.

Command Module Pilot, Apollo 17

April 7, 1990


James B. Irwin

Lunar Module Pilot, Apollo 15

August 8, 1991


Donald K. "Deke" Slaton

Original Mercury 7 Astronaut                                                                                  Cheif of Flight Crew Operations (1962-1982)                                               Docking Module Pilot, Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (1975) 

June 13. 1993


Stuart A. Roosa

Command Module Pilot, Apollo 14

December 12, 1994

Robert F. Overmeyer

 Col. USMC (ret,)                                                                                                                     PLT - STS-5 - Columbia (OV-102)                                                                                     CDR - STS-51B Challenger (OV-099)

March 22, 1996

Alan B. Shepard, Jr.

First American in Space, Mercury "Freedom 7" (MR-3),  

Commander, Apollo 14.

July 21, 1998 


Charles "Pete" Conrad, Jr.

Pilot, Gemini 5

Commander, Gemini 11, Apollo 12

July 8, 1999


L. Gordon Cooper

Last flight of Project Mercury, "Faith 7" (MA-9)

Commander, Gemini 5.

October 4, 2004


Walter M. Schirra

 Third Mercury orbital flight, "Sigma 7" (MA-8)                                   Commander, Gemini 6, Apollo 7

 May 2, 2007

William B. Lenoir

Mission Specialist - STS-5 - Columbia (OV-102)

August 26, 2010

Dr. Sally K. Ride

Mission Specialist. STS-7, STS-41G - Challenger (OV-099)

July 23, 2012


Neil A. Armstrong

Commander, Gemini 8, Apollo 11 - First Man to walk on the Moon

August 25, 2012

C. Gordon Fullerton

  CDR - ALT-9, 12, 14, 16 - Enterprise (OV-101)                                                              PLT - STS-3 - Columbia (OV-102)                                                                                    CDR - STS 51-F - Challenger (OV-099)

  August 13, 2013


M. Scott Carpenter

Second Mercury orbital flight, "Aurora 7" (MA-7)

October 10, 2013

William Reid Pogue

Pilot - Skylab 4

March 3, 2014 




Henry W. Hartsfield, Jr.

  Col. USAF (ret.)                                                                                                                      PLT - STS-4 Columbia (OV-102)                                                                                                CDR - STS-41D - Discovery (OV-103),                                                                                  plt - STS-61A - Challenger (OV-099)

  July 17, 2014

Steven R. Nagle

Colonel, USAF (ret,)
MS2 - STS-51-G - Discovery (OV-103)
PLT - STS-61-A - Challenger (OV-099)
CDR - STS-37 - Atlantis (OV-104),                                                                                  CDR - STS-55 - Columbia (OV-102)

August 21. 2014





Dr. Edgar D. Mitchell

LMP - Apollo 14

February 4, 2016

Senator John Herchel Glenn, Jr.

First American to Orbit Earth - Friendship 7 (MA-6) February 20, 1962

Returned to Orbit - STS-95 - Discovery - October 29, 1998

December 8, 2016

Capt. Eugene Cernan, USN (Ret.)

Second Pilot - Gemini 9                                                                                                      LMP - Apollo 10                                                                                                                    CDR - Apollo 17 - Last Apollo Astronaut to walk on the Moon

January 16, 2017

Capt. Paul J. Weitz

Cpt. USN (Ret.)

Pilot - Skyalb 2                                                                                                                      CDR - STS-6 - Challenger (OV-099) - 1st flight

October 22, 2017




Pilot - Gemini XI                                                                                                                      CMP - Apollo 12

November 6, 2017

Bruce A. McCandless II

 Captain, U.S. Navy (ret.)                                                                                                     STS-41B - Challenger (OV-099) - 1st to fly the MMU                                         STS-31 - Discovery (OV-103) - Hubble Deployment Mission

December 21, 2017

John W. Young

Cpt, USN (ret.)                                                                                                 

 Pilot - Gemini 3                                                                                                       Commander - Gemini X                                                                                                         CMP - Apollo 10                                                                                                   Commander - Apollo 16                                                                                                           CDR - STS-1, STS-9 - Columbia (OV-102)

January 5, 2018

Alan L. Bean

Cpt, USN (ret.)   

LMP - Apollo 12                                                                                                           CDR - Skylab 2

May 26, 2018

Donald H. Peterson

Colonel, U.S. Air Force (ret.)                                                                                       

MS2 - STS-6 - Challenger (OV-099)

May 27, 2018

Owen K. Garriott

Science Pilot - Skylab 3

MS 1 - STS-9 - Columbia (OV-102) - First flight of NASA/ESA SpaceLab

April 15, 2019

Dr. Christopher C. Kraft, Jr.

 Flight Director - Mercury, Gemini, Apollo                                                         Architect of "Mission Control"                                                     Former Director - Johnson Space Center

July 22, 2019

Alfred M. Worden

Colonel, U.S. Air Force (ret.)                                       

CMP - Apollo 15

March 18, 2020

Donald D. Arabian

Chief of the Apollo Test Division

Head of Apollo Mission Evaluation Room (MER)

August 18, 2020

Gerald P. Carr

CDR- Skylab 3 - Final manned flight

August 26, 2020

Dr. William Thronton

STS-8, STS-51-B (SpaceLab 3) - Challenger (OV-099)

January 11, 2021

Michael Collins

Major General, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)

Plt - Gemini 10

CMP - Apollo 11 - First Landing on the Moon

April 28, 2021

Dr. Glynn Luney

Manager & Flight Director, JSC

March 19, 2021


James A. McDivitt

Brig. Genneral, U.S. Air Force

 Cdr. - Gemini 4                                                                                                                         Cdr. - Apollo 9

 October 13, 2022

R. Walter Cunningham

Colonel U.S.Marine Corps (ret.)       

 LM Pilot - Apollo 7                                                                                                          Crew Flight Directorate - Skylab Project

January 3, 2023

Hugh Harris

Deputy Cheif, Public Affairs Office, KSC

Honor Roll of Spaceflight Journalists

February 14, 2023

Dr. Samuel T. Durrance - Phd.

Professor - Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins

Professor - physics and space sciences, Florida Institute of Technology

Mission Specialist, STS-35 (Astro-1) and STS-67 (Astro-2)

February 14, 2023

Karol J. Bobko

Colonol, U.S. Air Force (ret.)

 Pilot - STS-6 - Challenger (OV-099)                                                                                     CDR - STS-51-D - Discovery (OV-103),                                                                           CDR - STS-51-J - Atlantis (OV-104) - 1st flight

August 17, 2023


Thomas K. (Ken) Mattingly

Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (ret.) 

 CMP - Apollo 16                                                                                                                     CDR - STS-4 - Columbia (OV-102)                                                                                     CDR - STS-51C

 October 31, 2023


Frank F. Borman II

Colonel, U.S. Air Force (ret.) 

 Command Pilot - Gemini 7                                                                                                     CDR - Apollo 8

Novenber 7, 2023


Dr. Mary Cleave

Mission Specialist, STS-61A - Challenger (OV-099)

Mission Specialist, STS-30 - Atlantis (OV-104)

November 27, 2023


Dr. William Thronton

NASA Medical Research and Crew Physician 

Mission Specialist - STS-8, STS-51B - Challenger (OV-099)

January  11, 2024


L.D. "Lee" Solid

Development Engineering Lead, Rocketdyne

February 4, 2024


Richard H. Truly, 

Vice Admiral,  U.S. Navy (ret.)                                                                                         

 PLT, ALT-10. -13 & 15 - Enterprise (OV-101)                                                                     PLT, STS-2 - Columbia (OV-102 )                                                                               Commander - STS-8 Challenger (OV-099)

Associate Admin. for Space Flight, NASA, 1986-1989                                      NASA Administrator, 1989-1992

February 27, 2024

Thomas P. Stafford

Lieutenant General, USAF (ret.)

Pilot - Gemini 6A
CDR - Gemini 9A
CDR - Apollo 10
Apollo CDR - Apollo–Soyuz Test Project

March 18, 2024



George W.S. Abbey

Flight Crew Operations Directorate< Space Shuttle Program

Director, Johnson Space Center

March 24, 2024



William A. Anders

Maj. General - USAFR

LMP - Apollo 8

Former U.S. Ambassidor to Norway

June 7, 2024




Dr. Edward C. Stone

Former Director - JPL

Mission Scientist Emeratis - Voyager Project

June 9, 2024




Joe. H. Engle

Major General, USAF

X-15 Research Pilot - 4 missions

CDR - Shuttle ALT tests

CDR - STS-2, STS-51-I

July 10, 2024




Please contribute to one or both of these fine institutions, who work to keep the dream alive for future generations!

Click on the lnks below to see their websites and make donations.


The Astronaut Memorial Foundation