Lake County SpacePort 

                                                                                       "Ad Astra per Formae"

Space Modeling Detail Products

We are proud to offer this selection of specialized Space Shuttle, ISS and other select space-modeling detail products. They are all the result of our work here at the SpacePort, over many months and years. They are offered in hopes that they will help you build the best looking Spacemodels you can build.

NOTE - These items are also on sale on eBay, therefore quantities will deplete from time to time.

While we typically offer all scales of these sets consistently, there may be periods where inventories become depleted. If your order arrives during a product shortage, typically is will add 6 to 8 days handling for product production to replenish the stock. We will notify you in advance if this should occur. 

If an item is not available when you put in an order from this site, you will get an email update, informing you when the next production batch is to become available. You can decide to wait to order to keep your order open for completion upon production of new inventory.

Note - Shuttle Orbiter Thermal Protection System (TPS) Decal Sets are offered in "modular" fashion.

The "Standard Black Tile Decal Sets" are the foundation, providing the majority of the black TPS tile markings, which are common to all Shuttle Orbiters.  

The "Early Era Orbiter White Tile Decal Sets" are designed to complete the TPS markings for the two early Orbiters in the fleet - Columbia & Challenger.

The "Late Era Orbiter AFRSI & White Tile Decal Sets" are designed to complete the TPS markings for the three later Orbiters - Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour.

The "Cloth Tape AFRSI Application Guide" shows how to use Johnson & Johnson Cloth Tape to create an AFRSI "blanket" covering with more visual "texture," but is intended only for expert model builders. 

The "Shuttle Columbia Special Edition Upper TPS Decal Set" address the unique combination of Flexible Insualtion Blankets and original individually installed white silica tiles on Orbiter Columbia, as seen on her last two missions - STS-109 & STS-107.

Choose your decals sets in accordance to the Orbiter you intend to build. 

When you click on the price of any item, you will open the "Contact Us / Order from Us" page, in which you can provide your shipping information, e-mail address, and the items you wish to purchase. LCSP will then reply with a LCSP Invoice for your approval. Upon approval, a Pay Pal Request will be sent to your email address for payment of all items, plus shipping. 

The prices shown here do not include shipping. Shipping costs will be calculated and shown on the invoice at the time of payment.

We normally use both USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate or Ground Advantage shipping.

U.S. Domestic Priority Mail 2-3 day service runs typically $11. Larger orders may require additional packaging and additional postage. 

USPS "Ground Advantage" rates are also available, upon request.

Tracking and insurance are free with Priority Mail, but are an additional cost for Ground Advantage. 

Since USPS Priority Mail Flat Rate Shipping covers a large weight range for one package, it is best to "bundle" your purchases together into a single order and single postage fee, rather than pay for multiple shipping fees! Usually, up to three products will fit into a single USPS Priority Mail Flat-Rate Envelope. For "larger" orders, we can use USPS Shipping Boxes and we will calculate and provide you the cost, prior to payment.

International Priority Mail costs are much higher, and will depend on the destination country. International orders also now require a contact phone number be part of the Shipping Lable processing. 

We will provide an accurate shipment cost in your invoice, provided prior to payment and shipment. 

For a downloadable PDF copy of our LCSP Detail Products Catalog, Click Here!


Shuttle Orbiter Payload Bay Detail Set 

STS-PDS-1-72 for 1/72 scale models (self-adhesive photo paper)

STS-PDD-1-72 for 1/72 scale models (white decal stock)

STS-PDS-1-100 for 1/100 scale models (self-adhesive photo paper)

STS-PDS-1-144 for 1/144 scale models (self-adhesive photo paper)

STS-PDD-1-144 for 1/144 scale models (white decal stock)

The Space Shuttle Payload Bay Detail Set you are looking at are scaled to fit the components of the 1/72 scale Monogram/Revell Space Shuttle Orbiter models.

The images used to create the applications were pulled together from hours of research into NASA photographs of Shuttle operations within the Orbiter Processing Facility during servicing and payload installation or removal. 

This detail set does not provide the same elements as other Payload Bay "Upgrade" set previously sold by other modeling suppliers. It attempts to create a "photo-realistic" interior surface to the Orbiter's Payload Bay.

The 1/72 scale set provides pressure-sensitive applications for the forward and aft bulkheads of the Payload Bay, applications for the Payload Bay Floor and Side Panels and applications for the aft end of the Bay's Wiring Chases, which are already molded into the floor element of the Monogram model's Payload Bay.

The 1/144 scale set provides pressure-sensitive applications for the forward and aft bulkheads of the Payload Bay, applications for the Payload Bay Floor Panels and applications for the Bay's Wiring Chases, which are not properly molded into the floor of the Revell model's Payload Bay.

These elements are printed onto the self-adhesive material and must must be "trimmed-down" using a sharp hobby knife, such as an X-Acto #11, so this detail set is recommended only for experienced modelers.

The set also provides instructions on necessary additional items needed to do the job, tools needed, and proper installation of the applications and user-provided plastic stock materials. 

The photographs supplied provide an indication of how well the detail set works. These items were originally made for the two Monogram 1/72 scale Shuttle Orbiters I am currently working on. 

The 1/72 scale version is designed for the Monogram Orbiter, but can be used with the Revell Orbiter model as well.

the 1/144 scale version is intended for the Revell, Dragon and Minicraft Orbiter models. 

LCSP has also determined the the 1/144 scale Airfix Orbiter model cannot use this detail set, as the ESA SpaceLab cargo is molded into the bay floor unit. See Page 6 of the Airfix Kit #10170 manual. (click to download manual)

Price: $25.00 for 1/72 scale (self-adhesive photo paper)

Price: $30.00 for 1/72 scale (Water-slide Decal Version)

Price: $20.00 for 1/100 scale (self-adhesive photo paper)

Price: $15.00 for 1/144 scale (self-adhesive photo paper)

Price: $20.00 for 1/144 scale (Decal Version)

Shuttle Orbiter Standard Black Tile Decal Set 

STS-STD-1-72 for 1/72 scale models

STS-STD-1-100 for 1/100 scale models

STS-STD-1-144 for 1/144 scale models

The Lake County Space Port Shuttle Orbiter Standard Black Tile Decal Set includes all of the “black” Thermal Protection System (TPS) areas which are common to all Space Shuttle Orbiters. The set includes three full-size sheets and two partial-sized sheets, which contain the following TPS areas:

  • Port Underside – Wing and bottom to center
  • Starboard Underside – Wing to bottom center
  • Port Nose Underside
  • Starboard Nose Underside
  • Port Nose Side (includes Port RCS Bank)
  • Starboard Nose Side (includes Starboard RCS Bank)
  • Nose Upper RCS Bank
  • Upper Wing Fillers
  • Vertical Stabilizer Front Edges
  • Aft Thrust Structure
  • Body Flap (top & bottom)

Full-color instructions are included with the decal set. 

The Shuttle Orbiter Standard Black Tile Decal Set must be paired with a specific White Tile/Blanket Decal Set in order to complete the overall TPS system for the specific Orbiter you are modeling.

The 1/72 scale version is intednded for use on the Monogram and Revell 1/72 scale Orbiters.

The 1/144 scale version is intended for use on the Revell, Airfix, Minicraft and Dragon 1/144 scale Orbiter models.

The 1/100 scale version is intended for use with the Tamiya 1/100 scale Orbiter model. 

All Standard Black Tile Decal Sets are printed on clear water-slide decal stock, overcaoted to protect the artwork during water soaking. 

We manufacture these sets by hand, in small batches, typically five sets at a time. 

Price: $50.00 for 1/72 scale

Price: $40.00 for 1/100 scale

Price: $30.00 for 1/144 scale

Early Era Orbiter White Tile Decal Set

STS-ETD-1-72 for 1/72 scale models

STS-ETD-1-100 for 1/100 scale models (check for availability)

STS-ETD-1-144 for 1/144 scale models

The Early Era Shuttle Orbiter White Tile Decal Set is offered to provide all of the white low-temp TPS tile markings necessary to build either OV-102 “Columbia” and OV-099 “Challenger.” 

The photo at left was provided by Dr. Johannes Paulick of Gablenz, Germany. He used our Eraly Era Whilte Tile Set and Standard Black Tile Set, to do an excellent model of "Challenger." Click here to see a larger image. 

The Early Era Shuttle Orbiter White Tile Decal Set provides the white tile decals for the following areas:

  • Lower sides of the Payload Bay Doors
  • Upper sides of the Orbiter Fuselage along the longerons
  • Upper surfaces of the Wings, from the wing glove back to the Elevon Hinges
  • Sides of the Vertical Stabilizer 
  • Detail plates for the upper wing surfaces
  • Payload Bay Door Hing markings (for closed door models)

By combining the Early Era Shuttle Orbiter White Tile Set with the Shuttle Orbiter Standard Black Shuttle Tile Decal Set, you will be able to replicate the overall tile patterns for either Columbia or Challenger. 

The set comes with four sheets of specifically designed white tile decals, one extra sheet of generic “white tiles,” to apply the OMS Pod surface tile coverings, or use as replacement stock.

The set also comes with a four-page instruction guide.

The 1/72 scale version is intended for use on the Monogram and Revell 1/72 scale Orbiters.

The 1/144 scale version is inteded for use on the Revell, Airfix, Minicraft and Dragon 1/144 scale Orbiter models.

The 1/100 scale version is intended for use with the 1/100 scale Tamiya Orbiter model.

All Tile Decal Sets are printed on clear water-slide decal stock, overcaoted to protect the artwork during water soaking.

We manufacture these sets by hand, in small batches, typically five sets at a time. 

Price: $40.00 for 1/72 scale 

Price: $30.00 for 1/100 scale

Price: $20.00 for 1/144 scale

Shuttle Orbiter Flexible Insulation Blanket Replication Process for 1/72, 1/100 & 1/144 scale.


This is a concise guide on the Flexible Reusable Surface Insulation System (FRSI) process I created to do the FRSI "blanket" type thermal protection system on the last three 1/72 scale Orbiter models I've built and profiled on this website.

The guide provides the background of how the process began, tips on the creation and application of the surgical-tape-based "blanket" sections, and the maps I have created to provide the locations for the different sizes of FRSI blankets onto the surface of the Orbiter, based on both NASA diagrams and personally-shot photographic data. 

While my original work was done in 1/72 scale, reducing the dimensions of the blanket components by 72% will allow the same process to be applied to 1/100 scale models and reducing the dimensions 50% will allow the same process to be applied to 1/144 scale models of the Orbiter. 

Click on the $00.00 price link below to start the FREE download of the Guide in PDF format. (Adobe Reader or Acrobat is required to use this file.)

Late Era Orbiter FIB & White Tile Decal Set

STS-LAD-1-72 for 1/72 scale models

STS-LAD-1-100 for 1/100 scale models

STS-LAD-1-144 for 1/144 scale models

The Late Era Shuttle Orbiter Flexible Insulation Blanket & White Tile Decal Set is being offered as a decal-based alternative to doing the Johnson & Johnson tape-based AFRSI Application Process.

By combining the Late Era AFRSI & White Tile Decal Set with the Standard Shuttle Tile Decal Set, you can complete your model’s Thermal Protection System.

You will still need to properly pre-paint the model with the proper base colors.

To create these decals, I found documents published by USA (United Space Alliance), the former Shuttle processing contractor, which contained drawings of the port side of the Orbiter's forward section (hatch side) and the port side Mid-Body. I was also able to find a drawing of the vertical stabilizer, in a very low-grade of resolution, to work from. 

Using this artwork as “feed stock,” I revised the original white tile nose sections for the Shuttle Tile Decal Set, re-did the artwork for the vertical stabilizer, added "strip sections" of FIB for OMS Pod work and other "touch-ups." We added the "still required" sections of the original Shuttle White Tiles for the area around the cockpit windows, included a properly tiled front window frame. 

The set includes four full-size sheets which contain the following TPS areas:

  • White Tiles for Crew Compartment Top & Side Surfaces (cockpit area top & behind windows))
  • White Tiled OMS Pod front surfaces
  • Forward Fuselage AFRSI Surfaces (forward for Cockpit to nose Black tiles)
  • FIB for Mid-Body sides (below Payload Bay Doors)
  • FIB for Payload Bay Door Lower surfaces (above door edge) 
  • FIB for Port & Starboard Inner Wing Upper Surfaces and AFRSI Panels behind the leading edges. 
  • FIB for Vertical Stabilizer Sides
  • FIB for OMS Pod rear access panels
  • Additional FIB strips for repairs and completion of the OMS Pod surfaces.

The Late Era Shuttle Orbiter FIB & White Tile Decal Set must be combined with the Shuttle Orbiter Standard Black Tile Decal Set in order to complete the overall TPS system for the specific early Orbiter you are modeling.

The sets come witha full-color instruction guide.

The 1/72 scale version is intended for use on the Monogram and Revell 1/72 scale Orbiters.

The 1/144 scale version is inteded for use on the Revell, Airfix, Minicraft and Dragon 1/144 scale Orbiter models.

The 1/100 scale version is intended for use with the Tamiya Orbiter model. 

All Tile Decal Sets are printed on clear water-slide decal stock, overcaoted to protect the artwork during water soaking.

Special Note - These decal sets are dedicated in honor of Jean Wright and her associates in the Shuttle Thermal Protection System Facility at KSC – “The Sew Sisters,” who used their experience, time and talent to make the specialized elements of the Orbiter’s Flexible Insulation Blankets and other specialized thermal protection products.

Jean’s book ‘Sew Sisters: The Untold Story Jean Wright & NASA’s Seamstresses’ is available wherever books are sold.”

Price: $50.00 for 1/72 scale version

Price: $40.00 for 1/100 scale version

Price: $25.00 for 1/144 scale version

Late Era Orbiter White Tile Decal Sheet

1/72 scale only


The Lake County Space Port Late Era Shuttle Orbiter White Tile Decal Sheet is intended to be used in conjunction with the Johnson & Johnson Cloth Tape AFRSI Application Method.

The sheet includes the “white” Thermal Protection System (TPS) areas, and other special detail areas, which are needed for all late-era Space Shuttle Orbiters - OV-103 “Discovery,” OV-104 “Atlantis” and OV-105 “Endeavour.”  

The set includes one full-size sheet which contain the following areas:

  • White Tiles for Forward Fuselage & Crew Compartment - cockpit area top, body areas behind and in front of cockpit windows.
  • White & Black Tiled OMS Pod front surfaces
  • Forward Fuselage Upper Surfaces (forward of Cockpit windows)
  • Port & Starboard Wing Upper Surfaces
  • Port & Starboard Wing Hinge Panels
  • SSME Gimbal Seal Rings
  • Orbiter/ET Umbilical Panels and Umbilical Door Interior Surfaces

The Late Era Shuttle Orbiter White Tile Decal Sheet must be combined with the 1/72 scale Shuttle Orbiter Standard Black Tile Decal Set and the Johnson & Johnson tape-based AFRSI Application Process in order to complete the overall TPS system for the specific late-era Orbiter you are modeling.

All decals are printed using Clear Decal Stock, so proper pre-painting of the Orbiter must be done prior to applying the decals. Please read the decal set instructions for details.

LCSP recommends the use of the 1/72 scale AMP Shuttle Window Set for all high-resolution Orbiter models. Just Google "AMP Shuttle Windows" to find their website.

Columbia Late Era Upper TPS Decal Set -       Special Edition

STS-CSE-1-144 / STS-CSE-1-100 / STS-CSE-1-72R / STS-CSE-1-72M

We researched the idea of offering a specialized decal set, specific to Orbiter OV-102, “Columbia” in the later phase of her flight history. 

Here are the reasons that this product seemed necessary.

Both Columbia and her first “sister ship,” OV-099 “Challenger,” had the most individual Thermal Protection System (TPS) tiles of any other active Shuttle Orbiter.  This meant that our original Early Era White Tile set would work on either Columbia or Challenger in their original TPS configurations. 

Because Challenger had the shortest fight history of the Orbiters, she never received major "upgrades" to her TPS system, even though she played a role in proving them out. Challenger was used to test areas of the Flexible Insulation Blanket (FIB) style insulation, prior to her final flight in 1986. That test work successfully laid the foundation for the revisions to the upper surface TPS protection used on the other Orbiters.

Columbia wore her original TPS system layout from the first flight into space in 1981 until she went through a series of modification programs later in her flight career, and by the time Columbia flew missions STS-109 and STS-107, she wore a combination of originally installed white tiles and revised FRSI Blankets on her upper surfaces. 

The original individual white TPS tiles covered the entire Forward Fuselage, the upper surfaces of the wings behind the RCC leading edges and in front of the inner felt panels, and the forward-facing surfaces of the OMS Pods. On her Midbody, Payload Bay Doors, Vertical Stabilizer and main OMS Pod surfaces, the tiles were replaced by FRSI blankets, which could cover larger areas each and required less time for installation and maintenance. The new configuration also reduced Columbia's empty weight by 400 pounds. 

This unique arrangement required a Shuttle modeler, who wanted to accurately build Columbia at this point in history, to purchase both our Early Era White Tile Decal Set and a Late Era FIB & White Tile Decal Set, so that they would have all the elements they needed to build Columbia’s TPS layout. This kept a few modelers from proceeding with this project. 

They will not need to do this any longer. We are releasing the Columbia Special Edition TPS Decal Set  which contains all the correct elements, drawn together into a single product offering, allowing the Shuttle Modeler to accurately recreate the TPS configuration of OV-102 in her late history. 

Only the Standard Black Tile Decal Set is still required to complete the overall TPS build.

The “R” version of the 1/72 scale set is sized to properly fit the Revell Orbiter model. The “M” version is sized for the Monogram Orbiter model.

These decal sets are printed on clear water-slide decal paper stock, which allows the modeler the option of using different off-white paint undercoats to offset each of the TPS areas of the Orbiter, and to do selective “aging” of the TPS system, as desired.

Each of the primary model kit scales require more decal “pages” to complete the set. The 1/144 scale version only needs one sheet, but the 1/100 scale version needs two and the 1/72 scale version needs three. The product pricing will be as shown below.

Please remember, these are not completed models. These products are decal sets ONLY. They are intended for modelers to use in the crafting of their own Shuttle modeling projects.

Currently, the Lake County SpacePort does not sell either model kits or completed models.

Special Note - These decal sets are dedicated in honor of Jean Wright and her associates in the Shuttle Thermal Protection System Facility at KSC – “The Sew Sisters,” who used their experience, time and talent to make the specialized elements of the Orbiter’s Flexible Insulation Blankets and other specialized thermal protection products.

Jean’s book ‘Sew Sisters: The Untold Story Jean Wright & NASA’s Seamstresses’ is available wherever books are sold.

Price:   $ 14.00 for STS-CSE-1-144 – 1/144 scale

Price:  $ 24.00 for STS-CSE-1-100 -  1/100 scale

Price:  $ 34.00 for STS-CSE-1-72(R/M) - 1/72 scale,

                             (R)-Revell or (M)-Monogram

1/200 scale Shuttle Standard Black & Upper Surface TPS Decal Sets

Standard Black & Early Era White Tile Decal Set –                      $15.00

Standard Black & Late Era FIB & White Tile Decal Set –             $15.00

Standard Black & Columbia Special Edition TPS Decal Set -     $15.00 

These decal sets contain all elements of the Standard Orbiter Black Tile Decal Set, plus all of the necessary Upper Surface Thermal Protection System decals required to do a complete 1/200 scale Space Shuttle Orbiter model.  

The decal sets were created from artwork already in hand from the 1/100 scale Space Shuttle Tile Decal Sets and were “re-scaled” for use on 1/200 scale model. We found that all the elements fit onto a single 8-1/2" by 11" sheet of Clear Water-slide Decal Paper, so we decided to release these versions as complete sets for the three Shuttle Orbiter major eras.  

Since all our decals are printed onto a single sheet of “Clear” water-slider decal paper stock, you will need to cut-out the individual decal sections very carefully prior to application, using a sharp, new X-Acto blade or modeling scissors.  

The Early Orbiter White Tile & Standard Black Tile Decal Set is specifically intended to be used to replicate the look of OV-101 “Columbia” (early career) and OV-099 “Challenger,” as their upper surfaces where protected by individually applied white Silica tiles.  

The Late Orbiter FIB & White Tile & Standard Black Tile Decal Set is specifically intended to be used to replicate the total TPS solution used on the later three Shuttle Orbiters - Discovery (OV-103),  Atlantis (OV-104) & Endeavour (OV-105). Their upper surfaces were predominately protected by the larger Flexible Insulation Blankets, which cover larger areas and take less time to install or repair. Individual tiles were still used for more upright, complex surfaces, such as the area around the Cockpit Windows and the fronts of the OMS Pods. 

The Columbia Special Edition Upper TPS & Standard Black Tile Decal Set is intended to model the entire surface of Orbiter Columbia (OV-102) during the last phase of her flight career, Missions STS-109 and STS-107. At that period, Columbia's upper surfaces were protected by a combination of FIB blankets and White Silica Tiles, which was not used on any other Shuttle Orbiter. 

Price - $ 15.00 each

Space Shuttle Detail Applications Set  

STS-DAS-1-72 for 1/72 scale models (self-adhesive photo paper)

STS-DAD-1-72 for 1/72 scale models (white decal stock)

STS-DAS-1-100 for the Tamiya 1/100 scale Orbiter(self-adhesive photo paper)

STS-DAS-1-144 for 1/144 scale models (self-adhesive photo paper)

The Space Shuttle Detail Application Set is a unique set of label-type applications designed to help make your spacecraft model more historically accurate. 

There are application elements for the following locations:

  • ·        The instrument panel surfaces of the Orbiter Flight Deck.
  • ·         The Intertank Service Access Panel and Gaseous Umbilical Carrier Plate fitting for the       External Tank
  • ·         The Main Engine Gimbal Seal Rings for the Aft Bulkhead
  • ·         Orbiter/ET Umbilical Doors and Fittings
  • ·         Main Engine Close-Out Covers for the openings of the Space Shuttle Main Engines.

We also provide very small red rubber bands to replicate the draw cords used to hold the covers on the engine bells. 

These have been printed on white, self-adhesive label stock and must be carefully cut out for placement onto the model. As such, this set is only recommended for experienced scale modelers.

All applications are printed on matte white label stock, except for the three SSME close-out covers, which are printed on gloss white stock. 

These elements must be "trimmed down" using a sharp hobby knife, such as an X-Acto #11 knife blade, so this detail set is recommended only for experienced modelers.

All of the applications can be seen in the 1/72 STS-134 "Endeavour" build page, except for the SSME Close-Out Covers (shown here).

The set is only available with External Tank panels in either 1/72 or 1/144 scales. The 1/100 scale comes without ET Detail, as there is no "Shuttle Stack" models available in this scale.

However, an Italian Space Agency MPLM module is provided in recent releases of the Tamiya model, so we provide surface markings for those in the 1/100 scale set.

Please make sure and specify the correct set number in your order.

Price: $20.00 for 1/172 and 1/100 scale version (self-adhesive photo paper)

Price: $25.00 for 1/172 scale version (Decal Version)

Price: $15.00 for 1/144 scale version (self-adhesive photo paper)

        3D-Printed Space Shuttle Main Engine             and Orbital Maneuvering System Nozzle Set (*) 

for Tamiya 1/100 scale Orbiter models

(LCSP # STS-SME-1-100)

The Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME) Detail Set is the result of a significant amount of research, both in available 3D models of the engines and in the correct information about engine orientation in the Aft Thrust Structure of the Orbiter. We originally offered these nozzles to solve one of the only “nagging problems” with the current Tamiya 1/100 scale Shuttle Orbiter model kit – The Space Shuttle Main Engines provided as part of the kit.

Apparently, Tamiya worked from photographs and drawings of early “developmental” engines, shown in NASA publications early in the Shuttle’s development and ground testing. The “loops” in the engine coolant transfer ducts, near the bottom of the nozzle. This configuration was modified to reduce vibration stress and achieve higher reliability.

The 3D model for these engines was obtained from “In3DSpace,” who used NASA 3D model files, openly accessible and available from the website. The In3DSpace model was truncated to the “nozzle section,” from the Heat Shield attachment ring down.

A full-color, four-page manual provides proper engine orientation as well as color image references for detail painting.

Shuttle Flight Deck Window Set 

A reproduction of the original AMP-Australia product

LCSP STS-FDW-1-XXX, where "XXX" can be 144. 100, or 72.

The original AMP (Australia) Shuttle Window Set was available for a number of years, directly from AMP. In recent years, AMP had closed its website and stopped all sales and distribution of their products, including the Shuttle Flight Deck Window Set.

As demand for this product still existed in the modeling market, the SpacePort decided to attempt "recreating" its own version of the original AMP Window Set, so that Shuttle Modelers could still obtain a usable copy of the only Shuttle Window system to visually replicate the apparent thickness of the windows used on the Orbiter's flight deck.

There are significant differences between our recreated set and the original.

The original AMP-Australia set was furnished with "die-cut" sheets of white and clear styrene, which provided the frame and glazing parts to make the windows. 

We have acquired a Creality CR-Laser Falcon laser cutter/engraver, in order to use it to produce the window frame systems.

We provide the same elements provided in the original AMP product:

A set of six frames that combine with intervening clear elements to create the Port and Starboeard side Front Cockpit Windows;

A set of six frames that combine with intervening clear elements to create the two Aft Overhead Windows;

A set of four frames that combine with intervening clear elements to create the Payload Bay-facing Aft Windows. 

Our frame elements are provided partially attached to the sheet section they were cut from. The laser cuts through the majority of the styrene, so a light touch with an X-Acto knife and a bit of pressure will "pop" them loose from the sheet. This mode also provides for support of the frames during painting. 

Templates for the Forward Windows and the Aft Windows are provided.
Templates are made from 100 lb. white card stock and laser-cut. They are used to mark the locations on the model that need to be opened up to accomadate the windows. 

Since it is not possible to cut clear plastic sheet with a laser cutter, we provide a appropriately sized section of 0.010" clear styrene stock, which has been "scored" using the laser, to create the outline of the clear sections onto the sheet. The modeler can then use an X-Acto knife to cut out the clear sections for assembly.

1/144 scale ISS Exterior Detail Application Set, for Revell Germany ISS "Limited Edition" model kit

SKU # ISS-EDS-1-144 (self-adhesive photo paper)

SKU #ISS-EDD-1-144 (white background decal stock)

The concept of “photo-realistic” modeling, promoted by Edu-Craft Diversions and their incredibly elegant heavy-paper models, has become the genesis of many of the SpacePort’s product offerings. This one, is no exception.

In looking over the molded patterns on the Revell Germany ISS main solar panels as supplied, I found that painting these by hand would be very time consuming, and would still not yield the correct look for the panels as they exist on the Station. There may be a way to use ISS photos to achieve the correct look. In trolling through the NASA photos, I was able to find enough clear photos of the Main Solar Arrays and the Russian Solar Panels that I could use that graphic data to fabricate direct-application panels to do those jobs. 

Along the path, I also found other areas of “opportunity,” for which good photo detail data was available. These would, when applied, add even more depth and detail to the finished model. There are also provided to you for your use, as tried and proven on my ISS model build. 

This application set comes directly from our own work on the Revell ISS kit build-up project. They are hi-resolution printed onto white-background stock and come with all of the printed panels indicated below. Some of the panels provide spare markings, in case you run into difficulties.

The set includes:

  • Main ISS Solar Array applications, front & back (16 each total – no spares)
  • ATV Solar Array application, front & back (8 each total - 4 each needed)
  • Russian Zvezda Module Solar Array applications (2 each total – no spares)
  • Russian Zarya Module Solar Array applications (2 each total – no spares)
  • JAXA Kibo Lab external pallet bottom surface application (2 total – 1 needed)
  • JAXA Kibo Lab external module bottom surface applications (2 total – 1 needed)
  • Unity and Tranquility Open Hatch Covers (4 total – no spares)
  • Cupola window applications (6 wedge-shaped, 1 round – no spares)
  • Module marking plate (some spares)
  • “Dot” marker panel – (many spares)
  • Soyuz/Progress Solar Panel Top panels (8 each – 2 spares)
  • Soyuz/Progress Solar Panel Bottom panels (8 each – 2 spares)
  • US, ESA & Russian module marking panels (some spares provided)
  • 10-page instruction manual

The basic rules of use of the application set, as well as guidance on building the rest of the model, are provided in a 10-page illustrate instruction manual.

The original ISS Applications Set is printed onto white, self-adhesive photo-grade paper stock.

We now offer a version of these applications printed onto white water-slide decal paper. The decal-based set takes more time and materials and therefore costs more to make.

Price: $70.00 of ISS-EDS-1-144 (white label stock)

Price: $80.00 of ISS-EDD-1-144 (white decal stock)  >>Check for availability when ordering<<

Launch Livery Marking Decals for the Real Space Rockets 1/92 scale Atlas V(422)-CST100 Model Rocket Kit


These Atlas “livery markings” are based on artwork done in 2016 by Boeing to show the CST-100-Centaur configuration, just after achieving orbit. 

The markings are based on the actual set of program logos that are typically placed onto an Atlas V launch vehicle for each mission. 

These marking depict the agency in charge of the flight, the Atlas program insignia and the payload contractor. 

In this case, the NASA "meatball, the Commercial Crew Program Office logo, Boeing logo and the United Launch Alliance logo were added by the artist. They are placed onto the Centaur stage tube wrap of the model, above the U.S. Flags. 

Boeing "Starliner" markings are also provided for the exterior of the CST-100 itself.

The set is printed on white water-slide decal stock.

1/8 scale Revell Shuttle Astronaut with

MMU Model Detail Decal Set

(SKU #STS-MMU-1-6)

This decal set contains elements for the Revell 1/8 scale Shuttle EMU Astronaut with Manned Maneuvering Unit model kit released many years ago. As this model has been out of production so some time, these decals and build hits are offered to assist those who are now building this model for the first time, or who might be renovating an earlier build. 

This decal set you have now was created from artwork gathered from NASA, contractor and Web-sourced sources, in order to obtain images of specific areas of the MMU, in order to add sufficient detail to overcome in inherent “shortcuts” taken by Revell-Ceji (Germany) when the model was molded.

We have also included both "primary decals" intended to greatly improve the detail accuracy of the model, as well as supplemental and additional decals, such as extra bolt rows, thruster nozzles, extra MMU logos, Shuttle Mission patches, NASA logos, American Flags, etc. You can use these as you see fit to complete your model, or to replace decals damaged in your restoration work.

The set is provided on two full-size (8-1/2 x 11") sheets of white background water-slider decal paper, along with an eight-page color instruction manual, including photos provided as a “guide” for the application of the decals onto your model. 

SpaceX Dragon 2 Decal Set

for Boyce Aerospace 3D printed Dragon 2 nose cone

(SKU #SPX-DDS-1-86)

This sheet of marking decals is intended for use on the Boyce Aerospace 3D-printed nose cone "upgrade" for the SpaceX Falcon 9 Version 2 flying model rocket kit.

The SpaceX model and the Boyce nose cone are roughly 1/86 scale.

Our decals are based on NASA & SpaceX photos taken of the DM-1 and DM-2 Dragon 2 spacecraft and stylized artwork based on the 1/96 scale AXM Paper Space Model Dragon 2, which was used as a "guide" for proper marking placement in areas that the photos did not provide.

These decals help to take the Boyce 3D-printed product from a plain-looking nose cone to a more faithful replica of the first human-rated American spacecraft to fly in the Post-Shuttle Era.

A full-color six-page instruction set is also provided. 

SpaceX Dragon 1 Decal Set

for Boyce Aerospace 3D printed Dragon 1 nose cone

(SKU #SPX-D1D-1-86)

This sheet of marking decals is intended for use on the Boyce Aerospace 3D-printed nose cone "upgrade" for the SpaceX Falcon 9 Version 1 & 2 flying model rocket kits.

The SpaceX model and the Boyce nose cone are roughly 1/86 scale.

Our decals are based on NASA & SpaceX photos taken of the Commercial Resupply mission Dragon 1 spacecraft and stylized artwork based on the 1/96 scale AXM Paper Space Model Dragon 1, which was used as a "guide" for proper marking placement in areas that the photos did not provide.

These decals help to take the Boyce 3D-printed product from a plain-looking nose cone to a more faithful replica of the first commercially-built American spacecraft to fly to the International Space Station!

A full-color six-page instruction set is also provided. 

Virgin Galactic "VSS Unity" Livery Marking Decals

for the Revell Germany 1/144 scale

"SpaceShip 2 and White Knight 2" Model Kit

(SKU #VSS-SS2-1-144)

We originally created this decal set to do our own Revell Virgin Galactic model project. With the photos of our results out on the Web, we've received a number of requests for these decals, so we're now offering them as a standard product.

The decals include the two tail boom "Virgin" nebula logos, New Mexico "Zia" symbol & Virgin logo in soft Gray for each side of the tail near the rocket engine, correct side Virgin Galactic livery markings, correct aircraft registration numbers (for VSS Unity) and a "back-up" copy of the "Evolution of Flight" symbols for the top of the fuselage. 

Remember, our decals are NOT a complete set. They must be used in conjunction with the decals furnished by Revell for the remainder of the SpaceShip and MotherShip Eve. Our decals are printed on clear decal stock and must be trimmed down before soaking and placement. Full color instructions are included. 

1/9 scale Detail Decal Set for the Max Grueter       Dave Bowman Astronaut Figure

intended for the Moebius 2001 EVA Pod


These decals were gleaned from images available on the Internet, illustrating specific elements of the Space Suits warn by the lead character actors in Stanley Kubick & Arthur C. Clarke’s masterpiece, “2001 – A Space Odyssey.” 

The astronaut figure we used was designed specifically to match the interior of the Moebius EVA Pod Model by Max Grueter, an artist and 3D sculptor from Switzerland, who specializes in Space Suits and Space-related figures and operates an outlet for production and sales of these on the website, under the store name “Figurative Parts - Open Edition by Max Grueter.”

While the figure is incredibly detailed, it still needs to be painted and finished by the modeler, prior to installation into the Pod.

In the construction of our own Moebius Pod model, we wanted to add more realism to the figure. We were able to find items through a search of the Internet. We created a set of decals for our own model and found they looked quite good.

The photos of the results were posted on Facebook with good response from other modelers. Hence, the creation of this product. 

We have also included the USAA helmet decals, arm patch, chest pack decal and backpack decals and the details of the “Memory Cards” on the back of the astronaut’s helmet.

Also, a set of details that can be used in lieu of “hand-painting” detail lines into the recessed areas on the front areas of each RCS “muff,” provided as “bonus decals” to use at your own discretion. “Back-Up elements, or “spares” of all decal items are also provided.

Price: $ 8.00

Lake County SpacePort Logo Patch


In 2024, we revised our logo once more. Using our classic logo as the foundation,  added artwork was “barrowed” from the STS-41D Mission Patch. STS-41D was the 12th Shuttle Mission to fly, and the maiden voyage of Orbiter "Atlantis." After all the years of providing Shuttle-specific decal products, it seemed very appropriate to include the Shuttle Orbiter in our logo.

The Space Shuttle is why we’re here in the first place.

A six-color renderings of our LCSP logo are made into 4-inch iron-on patches.

Place one your workshop overalls, a favorite T-shirt or commemerative jacket.