Space Modeling & Research Links
Here is a list of our favorite links about space modeling and spacecraft research. We hope this list helps you in your space modeling projects. If you have suggestions about other sites to include, send them to us through the "Contact Us" page.
When you use one of these links, tell them you "launched" from the Lake County SpacePort!!
Important Message - As of Late 2024, the open-access 3D design printing service known as "Shapeways.com" filed for bankruptcy and ceased operations. Although the brand "Shapeways" has been acquired by a Dutch-based 3D printing company, the 3D designs which were posted on the old Website did not belong to Shapeways, and therefore, could not be transferred to the new owners. We have edited some of our Links to reflect new locations from which modelers who own 3D printers can still obtain copies of the designs, from which they can print their own models or part elements.
A Japan-based website with excellent data on all things Apollo. Includes a large number of photos and computer-based renderings of boosters, vehicles and hardware. |
Providers of high-quality resin kits and detail parts for existing kits of US and international space vehilces. |
The Apollo-Saturn Reference Page |
John Duncan's collection of data for the Saturn V and the combined Apollo Spacecraft. |
Artist David Maier's website, providing access to "photo-realistic" paper models of US spaceflight infrastructure. |
Allen Ury's scale modeling site that celebrates the weird, the wonderful, the odd, the
radical, the exotic and the just plane cool aircraft and spacecraft model
kits produced in styrene (and resin) over the last 60-plus years. Includes "Virtual Museum Store" for ordering FP kits. |
A great website to locate information on fictional and non-fictional spacecraft moidels, and reference data. Also runs a webstore for various space models and supplies. This site has proven to be an invaluable resource of data from which the reviews and research data for both my 1/350 Re-Fit Enterprise and 1/144 "2001" Discovery projects were supplied from. |
Source for both resin kits of international spacecraft, as well as detail parts sets for most existing US spcaecraft models. Impressive range of subjects and impressive quality of product. |
Field Guide to American Spacecraft |
Provides "where are they now" information on virtually all of America's flown space hardware, as well as development versions, trainers and engineering mockups of historical significane. A must view for any space-mined traveller. |
Cult TV Man's Fantastic Modeling |
Location for information on Sc-Fi and Sci-Fan modeling as well as a very well stocked on-line hobby shop, featuring speciallized products. |
Buy NASA gifts, space toys, astronaut suits, space costumes, toy rockets, space food, space birthday supplies and more. Huge selection, low prices, quick shipping. |
This is the site where you can order specialty-sized wound paper tubes, not only for model rocket projects, but for any scratc-building project, where you meed a "certain size" of tubular structural part. This was my resource for obtaining the strut tubing use on my big Edu-Craft project - the 1/96 Apollo LUT. |
Apogee Components
One of the best model rocketrty sites on the Web. Apogee provides a complete source for all construction materials, motors, parachutes, tubes, nose cones, etc., as well as full model rocket kits, both of regular "fictional" rockets, as well as highly-detailed scale model rockets of some of the world's great space boosters. A must-see Website!
https://www.apogeerockets.com/ |
Developed, established and operated by Michael J. Mackowski, avid space modeler and retired Hughes & McDonnell/Douglas, The site provides access to purchase SIM's highly detailed monographs of selected space hardware, in both the manned and unmanned spaceflight domains, with 11 volumes covering almost a complete history of U.S. and Russian spacecraft. Some of the best modeling reference materials you can get your hands on. |
Max Grueter - Designs c/o Thingiverse |
Max Grueter is an artist who speciallizes in Human Space Flight Figures. He provides 3D printed designs which can either grace your overall display area, or as in our case, contribute to the authenticity of a model build. He offers Vostok, Gemini, Apollo and other period astronaut figures in various scales. Check him out!! |
Space Models by Meens c/o Cults3D |
Vincent Meens is the phenominale French modeler whos 1/24 scale LM-5 has become such a Web sensation to many of us. That model is currently displayed, along with other works of Vincent, in the Gagarin Museum of Spaceflight in Russia. Now, he has begun to provide his Lunar Module designs to everyone who needs them, in the form of 3D printed LM parts, in scales ranging from 1/48 scale up to 1/6 scale (no kidding...1/6 scale!). Check his design shop out!! |
AXM Space Paper Scale Models |
Alfonso X Moreno has created and posted a vast number of Space Shuttle program related paper models for purchase and download, and many other models are available for free download. He has provided models of a large number of launch vehicles and payloads in scales which realte to other "production" space models (1/144, 1/100 & 1/96), so you can increase your display "fleet" of NASA and commercial spae boosters. Very impressinve attention to detail and well worth looking into. |
Historic Location &
Charitable Organization |
American Space Museum & Space Walk of Fame |
The U.S. Space Walk of Fame Foundation was created in 1988 when a local physician wrote to the Titusville City Council suggesting a project to preserve space history and to honor men and women associated with America’s space program. With a downtown redevelopment program in progress to enhance the riverfront, the suggestion was welcomed by the council and the Titusville Community Redevelopment Agency. The idea resulted in the formation of the U.S. Space Walk of Fame Foundation, a non-profit organization. |
Astronaut Memorial Foundation |
The Astronauts Memorial Foundation honors and memorializes those astronauts who have sacrificed their lives for the nation and the space program by sponsoring the national Space Mirror Memorial, and by implementing innovative educational technology programs. The Astronauts Memorial Foundation captures the technology developed in the United States' space program and applies it to the field of education. We partner with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to provide technology training to educators throughout the nation with a particular emphasis on space-related technology.
In addition, at The Center for Space Education we offer space-related educational opportunities for individuals, and, in doing so, we improve the quality of the workforce in the space industry. |
History in Ohio: Birthplace of Neil Armstrong |
Ohio Attorney Brian Joslyn provides a brief synopsis of the life of Ohio native and First Human to walk on the Moon, Neil A. Armstong. The site also highlights the life and accomplishments of another famous Ohio native, Senator John H. Glenn, Jr., the First American to orbit the Earth in 1962, |
Telecommunications Satellites & Space Exploration - Ooma |
A blog dedicated to providing a point-source of further websites, that provide information on the history of telecommunications, the advent of satellites and the past, present & future of human space exploration. |